Blooming with Spring: Alpha Calls

2 min readMar 26, 2021


Our bun is up and we’ve rolled up our sleeves! Working on this dApp has been a journey. We are not there yet but we’ve made some pretty cool strides. Some we cannot share yet but I’m sure you will understand. However, we can share some exciting updates. Here they are:

  1. The Coral App is in alpha mode. We are currently testing the wallet interaction in app, Wellness tracker setup, G-Chat setup.
  2. We added a blog section to the website. If you are a freelance writer, who likes to write about wellness and communities, stop by our telegram group and say hello, we are looking for content creators.
  3. I have a secret: I love memes! Calling all digital artist. We will love to get some fun memes in our community. As we all know, the blockchain space is male dominated, but the ladies are small but mighty! All are welcome to support the community.
  4. The user flow was presented to a group of 5 ladies last week Saturday. We got a lot of great feedback but the best feedback from all of them is that the application is clean and has good flow. In the next few weeks, we will invite a larger group for feedback and some will be invited to participate in the BETA testing. Keep an eye out for the invitation in our community. Preference will be given to those who actively support the community.
  5. Cheers to the weekend!




Multichain DePin and AI EVM based phone & data aggregator built for the Web3 Ecosystem.